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MelRo & Mentorship
It is estimated that 16 million children live in poverty in the USA (NCCP), and that 400K children live without permanent families in the foster care system (CCAI Institute).
The U.S. population consists of 245 million adults age 18 and over. That's enough of us to provide each child living in poverty and/or foster care with 15 adult mentors.
A mentor is an anchor and a guide. A mentor shows children that relationships can be long-term and positive. Imagine the difference it would make in these children's lives if each child had just one mentor to guide them and bond with them.
MelRo never had one consistent relationship throughout her childhood, and she realizes what a difference it would have made in her life. That's why today she is a major proponent for mentoring foster children, at-risk youth and older foster youth transitioning out of care.
Mentorship is manageable, but above all it is rewarding. Whether it is one time per month or one time per week, options exist to fit most people's schedules.
Click here to learn how you can mentor/support a youth in foster care.
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