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MelRo's Foundation

Building homes and schools for orphaned girls in Ghana 

100% of proceeds go toward the home/school project

In 2018, MelRo traveled to Ghana on a trip meant for personal growth, self-discovery, and to explore an important part of her heritage.  


While there, MelRo met many orphaned children. As a child who grew up in U.S. foster care, MelRo felt a strong connection with the orphaned children--their fears, the longing for family and their need for guidance. MelRo also discovered that few are able to attend school. Many are homeless and must sleep outside in the elements. And the girls often resort to using their bodies to obtain food, which leads to pregnancy and disease. 

This inspired MelRo to launch MelRo’s Foundation, a Ghanaian based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to give orphaned girls a chance in life. The Foundation’s first project is underway: a brand new building that will serve as home and school for 150 orphaned girls.  The building will include the home area for the girls, 10 classrooms, a kitchen, washroom, mobile clinic, a farm, playground, and head mistress room. Funds will also go towards purchasing bunk beds, linens, food, etc. Construction is scheduled for completion by June 2018 with school beginning in September 2018. 

100% of proceeds go toward the project. Please click here if you would like to donate.

MelRo's First International School Opened on Sept. 7, 2018

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MelRo's International School is located in the central region of Ghana. The school


  • Provides education for up to 500 girls.

  • Serves as an orphanage for 150 girls ages 2-16.

  • Provides free housing, education and trauma informed care administered by an all-female staff.

  • Has an onsite computer lab, mobile clinic, farm and on-site swimming pool.

  • MelRo will travel to Ghana every quarter to run field trips with the girls. 

Help us open more schools. Donate today!

Videos from Ghana

MelRo meets beautiful orphaned children in Ghana

MelRo shows the state of one school in Ghana 

Photos from Ghana

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